Thursday, August 4, 2011

Need help with this tattoo design?

So, for awhile, I've wanted to get a tattoo when I turned 18, but I never really thought about WHAT I wanted until my 17th birthday because I wanted to think about it for a year once I decided. Anyway, I've finally figured out a few tattoos that I really want to get in my lifetime and one of these is a yellow rose on my shoulder blade. Before you say "oh my god, roses are so cliche! don't do it!", it has a really special meaning. When my grandparents were dating, my grandpa gave my grandma a yellow rose once and ever since then, it's been their flower. It was what they had at their wedding, what he always brought her on valentines day, at their fiftieth anniversary, and at his funeral. I was looking for something that I can get tattooed on my shoulder blade and I'd like it to have one petal falling off. Can anybody find me a picture like this, or better yet, if you're a good artist, you could just draw it for me and email it to me ( I want to be able to put it up on my bullitin board so i can look at it every day and make sure it's what I want. And no, I can't go to a tattoo parlour and ask an artist to draw it for me becaus i have nobody to take me and my parents don't know yet. I want to make sure it's what I want before I tell anybody about it so my decision won't be swayed by their opinion.

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